Sunday, January 24, 2010


So everyone knows im a huge fan of the homie Dallaspenn and the internet celebrities.
this is HUGE for me to get on a blog that i read on the regular i never saw this coming so heres how it started.

a simple like on facebook

DP hit me back with a VILLIAN (MF DOOM reference for all those sleeping wake up)

He  hit me back with in minutes sayin...

and now im featured on one of my favorite blogs CHEA!!! INTUHNETS im MAKING POWER MOVES

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Step Down of the Pedestal

Step Down of the Pedastal (c) Eli Porter
so im a huge good music fan and when GLC posted this video a few years back i had to get a nerf hoop

but no rim would do i had to get something durable because i knew me and friends would wear it out quick lol so i found this on amazon

we went in heavy the 1st day and i even recorded and made a video which went on youtube

DunkFest 2010

I was instantly hooked to say the least me and my roommates went back to work with more dorm room dunking antics and even got shut down by one of the Ra's saying that "the kids on the floor below you are complaining about the noise" a few day later they came and confronted my roommate but i was in the shower he gave em some dap and apologized nd we haven't had any problem's since. I went back on the grizzo and edited this up on imovie in about a day between classes and work and posted it on youtube as well im pleased with this to say the least and be on the look out a :)  (MAKING POWERMOVES)

DUnKfest PartDU(nk)


Monday, January 18, 2010


once again Jay has laced us with some more treats for 2010 looking forward to more art from the one known as JAyTeslA

Monday, January 11, 2010

WaKe Up

stOp SleepIn on ThE real
this Man Jay Electronica has been in heavy rotation since 07 and he only gets better with time heres a mix no tracklist needed Nuff said VIctOrY

Monday, January 4, 2010


Im back at it again…..say goodbye to 2009 and hello 20-10
1st of i know im late but happy new year its 2010 or Oh-10 as i like to call it being from ohio may GOD bless you in this year as he does me everyday big things are going down in 2010 i can feel it…but 09 is HisTory so dont let your past hoold you back and do everything you can to make this your year so with out further a do i present one of the GOAT duo's in hip-hop Mighty MosDef and Talib Kweli's History